Kategorie:Wiktionary:Referenzen prüfen (Englisch)
Diese Kategorie enthält englische Einträge, deren Referenzen geprüft werden müssen. In Einträgen erfolgt dies durch Angabe von {{Referenzen prüfen|Englisch}}
Seiten in der Kategorie „Wiktionary:Referenzen prüfen (Englisch)“
Folgende 200 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 1.985 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- A-pillar
- A-post
- aback
- abet
- ability
- abomination
- abortion
- about
- abroach
- accession
- account
- acquire
- across
- action
- addict
- addiction
- address
- adhere
- adjust
- admission
- adobe
- adopt
- adoption
- adulatory
- adulterate
- advertising
- affect
- affiant
- affidavit
- affiliate
- affinity
- after
- again
- against
- age
- age-class
- agency
- agitate
- agitated
- agitation
- ai
- air
- air hose
- alcohol-related
- algebra
- all but
- all the more
- all the same
- allot
- allow
- almost
- amazement
- amicability
- amicableness
- among
- amount
- amplify
- amuse
- anger
- announce
- apology
- application
- appointment
- apportion
- apportionment
- approach
- approval
- area
- argument
- arise
- ark
- Armenian
- armour
- army
- arrange
- arrest
- arrow
- art
- art print
- as
- as a pastime
- as soon as possible
- ascend
- ash
- Asia
- askari
- assembly
- assembly language
- assessment
- asset
- assignment
- assorted
- astute
- at length
- atmospheric
- atomic power plant
- attack
- attention
- attention of
- attentive
- attorney
- attractive
- audit
- augmentation
- aunt
- awning
- baa
- backstroke
- bad breath
- bad language
- badminton
- bag
- Bahamian
- bail
- bait
- balance sheet
- ball
- ballast
- ballroom dancing
- balm
- bank
- bank code
- banquet
- bare
- barrier
- base
- basic term
- basically
- bass
- batch
- bath
- bathe
- battery
- battery charge
- battery mud
- battery pole
- battery voltage
- battle
- be a real live wire
- be all at sea
- be all ears
- be all in
- be all there
- be fed up with something
- be ill at ease
- be in debt
- be not somebody's cup of tea
- be of age
- be on the air
- be on the way in
- be out of debt
- be out of the way
- be tied up
- be wary of
- beat
- beck
- bed
- bedlam
- bee house
- beech
- beef
- beef tea
- beer
- beer garden
- beggar
- Belarusian
- Belgian
- bell
- below one's breath
- belted tire
- bench
- bencher
- bend
- beneath
- bent
- beqeath
- Berlin
- bestow
- bestowage
- betrothment
- Bhutanese
- big
- billy-goat
- bin
- binge drinking
- binman
- biotope
- birch
- bird flu
- birdy
- bison
- bit pattern
- bite off
- bitterness
- black
- black currant
- blackmail