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compose (Englisch)

Zeitform Person Wortform
simple present I, you, they compose
he, she, it composes
simple past   composed
present participle   composing
past participle   composed




IPA: []
Hörbeispiele: Lautsprecherbild compose (US-amerikanisch) (Info)


[1] verfassen, abfassen, entwerfen, verfassen
[2] dichten, komponieren, vertonen
[3] zusammenstellen, zusammensetzen, zurechtlegen
[4] sich beruhigen


[1] make, abate, manufacture
[2] draft, formulate
[3] put together


[1] "She tried, however, to compose herself to answer him with patience, when he should have done."[1]
[3] "The jaguar is very like the leopard, but is considerably larger, and may be easily distinguished from that animal by the appearance of the spots, which are larger than those of the leopard, and are composed of a black spot surrounded by several others. There is also a black streak across the chest."[2]

Charakteristische Wortkombinationen:

to comepose himself/ herself


[1] Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary „compose
[1] Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus „compose
[1] Dictionary.com Englisch-Englisches Wörterbuch, Thesaurus und Enzyklopädie „compose
[1] PONS Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „compose
[1] dict.cc Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „compose
[1] LEO Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „compose
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  1. Austen, Jane; Pride and Prejudice
  2. John George Wood; Sketches and anecdotes of animal life; Routledge, 1855 Google Books