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Letzter Kommentar: vor 1 Jahr von Amsavatar in Abschnitt ChatGPT


Was ChatGPT über die "Wohlstandsbrause" sagt. Ist es einfach völlig falsch?

"Wohlstandsbrause" is a German term that roughly translates to "prosperity soda." It is a pejorative term used to describe soft drinks, energy drinks, and other similar beverages that are marketed as providing an energy boost or other supposed health benefits, but are often criticized for containing high amounts of sugar and caffeine, as well as other potentially harmful additives. The term is sometimes used in a broader sense to criticize the culture of excessive consumption and materialism in modern society. Amsavatar (Diskussion) 22:46, 1. Mai 2023 (MESZ)Beantworten