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Alternative spelling[Bearbeiten]

Hallo @Jeuwre. Your pronunciation seems to correspond to "Sprachenerwerb" and that can be considered an alternative (and valid) spelling. Beolingus has that variant: https://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings.cgi?service=deen&opterrors=0&optpro=0&query=Sprachenerwerb&iservice=

Also, if you check on Google there are >10.000 results for the word "Sprachenerwerb":


So, the most common spelling seems to be "Spracherwerb" but the alternative "Sprachenerwerb" is also valid and should be registered on the Wiktionary.

Do you want to create a new entry ? :D

PS. As a side note, foreign doctors in Germany need to pass an exam called "Fachsprachprüfung" but some natives call it "Fachsprachenprüfung".

The latter alternative does not make sense to me (is too verbose). However, the same phenomenon happens with "Spracherwerb" vs "Sprachenerwerb". QuiverT123 (Diskussion) 19:36, 26. Sep. 2022 (MESZ)[Beantworten]
@Jeuwre I would love to create a new entry, but I am in a hurry. In such cases, I even prefer just to write hurriedly in English. Thanks for your kind help ! Have a nice day.... QuiverT123 (Diskussion) 19:38, 26. Sep. 2022 (MESZ)[Beantworten]