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belave (Englisch)[Bearbeiten]


Zeitform Person Wortform
simple present I, you, they belave
he, she, it belaves
simple past   belaved
present participle   belaving
past participle   belaved


belave, Partizip Perfekt: belaved, Partizip Präsens: belav·ing


IPA: []


[1] veraltete Bedeutung: waschen
[2] regionaler Dialekt: glauben, denken, der Meinung sein


[2] "I belave the Quakers are witches and sperits, and that the Yankees did right to burn 'em and drown 'em." [1]
"Ich bin der Meinung, dass die Quäker Hexen und Geister sind und das die Yankees richtig taten, sie zu verbrennen und zu ertränken."
[2] "How can A belave anythin' else whin A see it goin' on in me own house." [2]
"Wie kann ich etwas anderes glauben, wenn ich es in meinem eigenen Haus sehe."


[1] Popular and complete English dictionary: exhibiting the pronunciation, etymology, and explanation of every word usually employed in science, literature, and art, Band 1; John Boag; 1848 Google Books


  1. [1], Wild western scenes.--: Second series. The war-path : a narrative of adventures in the wilderness : with minute details of the captivity of sundry persons ; amusing and perilous incidents during their abode in the wild woods ; fearful battles with the Indians ; ceremony of adoption into an Indian family; encounters with wild beasts and rattlesnakes, &c. by John Beauchamp Jones, 1865
  2. [2], Mixed Marriage; St.John G. Ervine; erschienen in: Chief Contemporary Dramatists; Thomas H. Dickinson; 2009