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Sie ist derzeit im Singular und Plural sehr unterschiedlich: a·ua·katl, Plural: auaka·mej -- Peter -- 08:50, 3. Feb. 2019 (MEZ)[Beantworten]

The inflience of the Spanish language in living Nahuatl language is big, the plural is used in inanimate nouns. It's not a general case, but many inanimate nouns have got plural diclination unlike the Classical Nahuatl.--Marrovi (Diskussion) 15:49, 3. Feb. 2019 (MEZ)[Beantworten]
 Erledigt It was hard to understand why the hyphenation (separación silábica) is different in plural vs. singular. Yet you have corrected it in the meantime. -- Peter -- 16:15, 3. Feb. 2019 (MEZ)[Beantworten]